Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rockin' to a Drug Free Beat!

Red Ribbon week was a great success at Washington Intermediate during the week of October 22 - 26. Each day, the students started the day out with a message from Ms. Bates, our counselor, and a song. High school students visited on Monday to have students sign pledges that they would be drug free. Students also received a red ribbon wrist band. As you can see above, two classrooms (Mrs. Timmerman & Mr. Fehring) had students learn a line dance and perform it for the remaining 5th grade students on Friday. They also taught it to the 5th graders and everyone joined in on the fun! Our 4th grade students worked on drug-free cheers, songs and skits so they could present to their classmates on Friday. Each 4th grader who presented did an excellent job!
Check back for more Red Ribbon week winners and more pictures later this week!

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