Monday, April 28, 2008

PTO Needs Your Help!

Washington Parents,

We did get the May newsletters out today so expect those to come home with your child. Toward the back of the newsletter is information about an upcoming PTO fundraiser event! Please look over the information below and consider contacting them to see how you can help. It sounds like a lot of fun for the whole family!

The PTO has supported Washington Intermediate very well over the past as we have been able to purchase books and laptops using PTO funds. Our PTO supports students by paying the cost of travel for one field trip each year (Holland’s Performing Arts Center, Omaha Zoo, SAC Museum, etc.) and this summer we are purchasing at least 3 interactive Smart Boards for Washington with the assistance of PTO funds!! We could not put this technology in front of our students without PTO’s help.

Please help anyway you can! Thanks.

Mr. Barry


Attention Red Oak Washington School
4th and 5th Grade Families

Who: Red Oak PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
What: Wants your help working at the upcoming PTO Carnival
When: Friday, May 16, 2008
Sometime/Anytime between 4:00pm and 9:00pm
Where: Inman Primary School Playground (Gym in case of rain)
Why: Raise funds for our Kindergarten through 5th Grade
students and classrooms AND because it could be FUN
for your whole family

I bet you’re asking yourself, “WHAT DO I DO NOW?”

Consider volunteering individually or as a whole family


Contact Jennifer Barry or Molly Carlson (PTO volunteers) before they call you! J

Molly: 370-5853 or
Jennifer: 623-4878 or

Friday, April 25, 2008

K-5 Science Fair

Teanna Pafford, daughter of Tonya Currin, took “Best of Show” in the 3-5 division. She is a 5th grade student in Miss Hughes’ class. Her project was titled “Popcorn Madness.” Contestants in the 3-5 division receiving a third place ribbon included Christian Horn, Cassie Vrabel, Dana Marsden, and Sydnee Esaias. Receiving second place ribbons were Zach Irvin, Marissa Homan, Vincent Breedlove, Chris Hudson, Chase Rea, Sam Tucker and Brenna Craig. First place ribbons were awarded to Grace Blomstedt, Sean Griffen, Samantha Dilocker, and Jamie Storesund.

High school students helping at the event were Nikki White, Tina Bishop, and Allison Bitterman.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fifth Grade Performs Well!

Ms. Mann and our 5th grade students performed very well Monday night at the middle school. A large crowd had the opportunity to see the students sing and dance their way through the evening! Continue to check back for pictures and video clips!

5th Grade Soloist

Monday, April 21, 2008

SpellingCity - Help & Fun!

A reminder to parents and students about the online spelling help located at Students are able to practice spelling, play games and take tests over each units' spelling words on this interactive website.

Each units' list can be found by clicking on the link, "Find a list," located at the top of the main page. Type in "Washington" and the units will be listed. Just choose the current week's unit and get started!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cellular 29's School Rebate Program

Are you currently a Cellular 29 Plus customer? Please visit their website to sign up your cell number for the program. Cellular 29 Plus donates 2.5% of all monthly access fee to the participant’s school of choice!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tune In Monday, April 7th!

Great job, Brenna, Leatha, Donnie & Mrs. Burnison!

Posted April 2nd, 2008
At 6:15am on Monday, April 7th, Mrs. Burnison, Donnie (5th), Brenna (4th) and Leatha (4th) will visit KCSI for an interview with Mr. Jerry Dietz promoting National Library Week, April 13-19. This year is the 50th Anniversary of the event and to make it extra special Mr. Barry & Mrs. Burnison have been working on a community-wide reading party for Friday, April 18th, from 11:30-12:30 in Fountain Square Park. Our three Washington Intermediate students and Mrs. Burnison will be sharing details with Mr. Dietz and also singing a song about the event!! Please tune into KCSI next Monday morning so you can find out how to share in the fun! Listen on the radio or online at