Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picture Reprints and Retakes

After speeking with Lifetouch it was expained that there were errors during the printing process that caused the discoloration and darkness in this year's school pictures. They said they would reprint all the pictures for IPS and WIS correctly. The parents would keep the pictures already received and every parent who ordered a packet would receive an additional one even if their child’s pictures were not affected. So, if you were going to get retakes due to the coloring alone, it will not be necessary as those pictures will be reprinted. If you were needing retakes due to closed eyes.... etc, retakes are scheduled for Oct. 12th.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Enjoying Some Learning & Some Fun!

We celebrated a fun homecoming week at Washington!
Good luck to the Tigers Friday night!

Friday, September 14, 2007

End of Week Update!

As the week ends, a few items for Washington Parent(s):

  1. Homecoming week is next week! A letter is coming home today with a list of activities for the week. The copy of the note is below too. Thank you in advance to the parent volunteers who will be selling buttons and tattoos each morning!
  2. Washington Intermediate does not have our Lifetouch pictures in the building yet! For some reason, our pictures did not arrive the same time as IPS and the MS. We will get those out next Monday.
  3. Rumor Central…have you heard the one about Washington Intermediate…?? To squash some rumors, I’ll let you know that we are not hosting the cast of The High School Musical and we are not having a dance tonight either! We did actually win the $5,000 from Hy-Vee…so that one is true. J If you ever have questions about what is happening at Washington and what is not…please email or call.
  4. Parent Advisory Committee is meeting Monday (9-17) at 7:00 pm in the media center. Please join us if you can! Agenda items include: Review of 2006-07 data; Happenings so far this year; blog & technology update; Student Savings accounts; suggestions/discussion about the $5,000 we won; other input, comments and questions.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Washington Intermediate is Smiling Now!

Mr. Brandon Lampkin, Dylin Keat & Mr. Doug Barry

More pictures can be found on KCSI-FM!


We are now taking your ideas!! How would you spend $5,000 on your school? Click here to take a survey that makes you the "principal" for the day! We welcome answers from parents, students, staff, and community members!

We are extremely excited to share some great news that came our way on Thursday and we were able to announce it to all students and staff today! One of our Washington 'family members' had his name drawn for the Smiles for Education contest our hometown Hy-Vee is running this fall. Fifth grader, Dylin Keat, is the lucky winner! Not only will he receive a brand new Dell laptop, but our school will receive a $5,000 check from Hy-Vee to help support our classrooms or help purchase something that will make Washington Intermediate an even better place to learn, work, share and grow!

So, we would like for you to come help our Washington Family celebrate…


Washington Intermediate Assembly
5th grader, Dylin Keat, had his name pulled for Hy-Vee's
Smile for Education!
We will receive a check for $5000 from Hy-Vee! Dylin receives a laptop computer!


All students, staff, any district staff and parents available can attend!
Brandon Lampkin, Hy-Vee store director & other Hy-Vee staff.
KMTV-3, Red Oak Express & KCSI


Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 10:00 AM


Washington Intermediate Gym

We of course have already had many suggestions from students and staff as to what we could do with the money. Ranging from laptops, to basketball poles/backboards, to a few who thought we should build a pool! I know that it will also be a conversation at our September 17, Washington Parent Advisory meeting! Have an idea? Come join us on the 17th!