Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Change in Next Week's Schedule

To allow our community to support the girls' volleyball team at next week's state tournament, changes to the schedule have been made. There will be a note coming home with all Red Oak students on Friday, November 2nd, detailing the schedule changes for next week. Here is the quick version:

Wednesday, November 7th
There will be a school-wide/community pep rally at the high school.
It will begin at 2:15 pm and end at 2:45 pm. Washington students
will be bused to and from the high school with regular dismissal
from Washington Intermediate taking place at 3:10 pm.

Thursday, November 8th
Two hour early dismissal from school. This will allow those families and
staff traveling to Cedar Rapids time to get there for the 7:00 PM game.

Friday, November 9th
Due to the lateness of the game and the chances of the girls playing further
in the tournament, we will have no school on Friday. This day will be made
up on Friday, May 23rd.

Congrats Red Oak Volleyball Team!

On to State!!

Rockin' to a Drug Free Beat!

Red Ribbon week was a great success at Washington Intermediate during the week of October 22 - 26. Each day, the students started the day out with a message from Ms. Bates, our counselor, and a song. High school students visited on Monday to have students sign pledges that they would be drug free. Students also received a red ribbon wrist band. As you can see above, two classrooms (Mrs. Timmerman & Mr. Fehring) had students learn a line dance and perform it for the remaining 5th grade students on Friday. They also taught it to the 5th graders and everyone joined in on the fun! Our 4th grade students worked on drug-free cheers, songs and skits so they could present to their classmates on Friday. Each 4th grader who presented did an excellent job!
Check back for more Red Ribbon week winners and more pictures later this week!

Fire Safety!

Click on pictures to enlarge

Mike Wise, from the Red Oak Fire Department, visited Washington on Friday, October 26th, to provide a great fire extinguisher demonstration. For the 2nd year, the Kiwanis supported this extremely important program at Washington Intermediate. Each of the 4th grade students got the opportunity to learn about fire safety, learn about the importance of having a fire extinguisher in the house and use an actual fire extinguisher on an actual fire! Mike did an awesome job with the students and we appreciate the support and education he and the Fire Department has provided our Washington Intermediate students. Also, we could not have done this without the support of the Red Oak Kiwanis Club.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Columbus Day Celebration!

Ms. Hughes and Mrs. Timmerman's fifth grade classes from Washington Intermediate School presented a Columbus Day program at the Red Oak Senior Center October 12th. Part of the program was a quiz session to see how much the participants remembered about Columbus from their school days. The fifth grade students were amazed at how easily they could answer the questions. Poetry and a chant were also part of the program. Students also had made the presentation to the entire Washington student body and did a fabulous job!