Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Help Washington Intermediate Earn Money!

We all search the internet when looking for information, doing research or looking for directions. What if Washington Intermediate earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, now we can! GoodSearch.com is a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo, so you get great results.

Just go to the Goodsearch site and be sure to enter "Washington Intermediate School" in the box below the statement, "Who do Goodsearch for?" You can also track how much we have raised each month by clicking on the "Amount Raised" button on the page under our school name. The money will be tracked by our Student Advisory and Parent Advisory groups and used for projects or needs recognized by these two groups. Examples of ideas generated by both groups last year include: new basketball hoops/poles, landscaping in the front of the building, repainting the lockers, adding more books to the classrooms and/or media center, more laptops, and more!

The site begins tracking our searches starting August 1st, 2007. Checks are sent out in December if the charity has earned $20 by September 30th of that year. Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7300 in a year without anyone spending a dime! And, be sure to spread the word!

(Please note that the site does state: "Please use this site honestly. Fraudulent searches will result in a charity being de-listed.")

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Watch Your Step!

Starting July 24th, the outside of our Washington Intermediate building will see some improvements! The side walk on the south and east side of the building will be replaced. Today, the entire south sidewalk was removed and the contractors thought they would have new side walk in place by the end of the week on both sides! They will also do some work on the north side of the building. All were needed improvements as the side walk showed many cracks, holes and was becoming a bit dangerous in spots! Our playground will also see some changes as it will be resurfaced and the blacktop will be extended about 5-10 feet to the south in places so that the tether ball 'courts' are on blacktop and not dirt/grass/mud! No muddy basketball players this year! Check back for pictures or stop on by to see it yourself.